HelveticArchives - the archive database of the Swiss National Library (NL)


HelveticArchives is the online database maintaining the archival collections of the Swiss National Library (NL). We are pleased to present the collections of

  • the Centre Dürrenmatt Neuchâtel (CDN),
  • the Prints and Drawings Department (PDD) and of the Federal Archive of Historical Monuments (FAHM)
  • the Swiss Literary Archives (SLA).
enhanced with new archives and collections on a continuing basis.

All photographs printed herein are in the possession of the Swiss National Library. We have made every reasonable attempt to find the legal owners. If, however, we were unable to find the legal owner in individual cases, we please request that you report it to the Swiss National Library.

HelveticArchives also includes

  • special collections of the NL (SPS)
  • the catalogue of biografical newspaper atricles (Biokat)
  • ISplus the adresse catalogue (archives, libraries and museums) and the index of manuscript collections in libraries and archives of Switzerland
HelveticArchives is updated on a daily basis.
HelveticArchives does not contain any descriptions of books or posters. For these, please consult the online catalogues Helveticat and Swiss Poster Collection. (see link in the research tools on the right side).

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